
Thursday, January 13, 2011


Some verbs may be followed by two objects (an indirect object and a direct object). The following shows the patterns used when verbs take two objects.
 1.                  Some verbs may use the following patterns:

                                                           IO    DO
                        My father often gives me a gift.

                                                            DO + TO + OBJ
                        My father often gives a gift to me.

            Some other verbs like give are: bring, send, offer, pass, take, tell, read, write, teach, sell.

2. Some verbs may use the following two patterns:

                                                       IO       DO
John usually buys Mary a gift.


                                                      DO + FOR + OBJ
John usually buys a gift for Mary.

            Some other verbs like buy are: fix, make, get

3. Some verbs use only the following pattern:

                                                DO + To + OBJ
                        He explained his idea to us.

            Some other verbs like explain are: announce, describe, deliver, mention, say, report, return.

4. Some verbs may use only the following pattern:

                                        IO       DO
                        I asked Mary a question.

            Some other verbs like ask are: cost, charge.


A. WRONG : Susan’s friend sent to her a beautiful silk dress from China.
     RIGHT    : Susan’s friend sent her a beautiful silk dress from China.


Susan’s friend sent a beautiful silk dress to her from China.

B. WRONG : John fixed the broken lamp to Harold.
     RIGHT   : John fixed the broken lamp for Harold.

C. WRONG : The professor explained me the difficult point of grammar.
     RIGHT    : The professor explained the difficult point of grammar to me.

D. WRONG : The new suit cost over forty dollars to me.
     RIGHT   : The new suit cost me over forty dollars.

E. WRONG : The store charged over fifteen dollars to me to alter the jacket I bought.
     RIGHT   : The store charged me over fifteen dollars to alter the jacket I bought.


EXERCISE: Put “C” if the sentence is correct. Put “X” if there is an indirect object error.

______01. We returned the defective merchandise to the store immediately.
______02. I hope you will write to me long letters while you are away.
______03. When do you think you can deliver them the package?
______04. That is the third time you have asked me the same question.
______05. My mother is making for Mary a new skirt.
______06. Please pass the potatoes to me after you take some.
______07. The belt buckle cost over ten dollars to Bob
______08. He taught to me everything he knew.
______09. When he was abroad, Laura got several pairs of earrings for her mother.
______10. He sent me a beautiful letter from Spain.                

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